Innovative Structures
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Engineered Products

Rocklyn’s experience and history of engineering allows them to provide a wide range of quality steel fabricated products. These include canopies, bike shelters and walkways.

Rocklyn has significant expertise in working on challenging projects in difficult environments. Each project is designed to specific project needs and Rocklyn’s installation teams are experienced and insured to work in these environments.

Who we've worked with


Rocklyn has a strong history of engineering. These skills are used across a number of our products ranging from bike shelters and walkways to fabric canopies. In all such projects we have the experience to advise our clients on specification and opportunities for value engineering. Rocklyn can then design, engineer and install the finished products.

The video captures once such contract with An Taisce - working on behalf of the Irish National Transport Authority - where we designed, manufactured and installed bike shelters for schools across Ireland.